Tag - Canmore Mines


Norman Witham

Norman was born in Lethbridge, Alberta, in October, 1920, and grew up there. He studied music, took...


Ozzie Spagis

Ozzie was born in Russia in 1935 to Latvian parents, Zelma and Peter Spagis, and came to Canada in...


Walter Riva

Once upon a time, 100 years ago, Gian and Francesca Riva in Ribordone, Italy, packed their...


McLeod Family

The McLeod family relocated to Canada from the town of Kilmuir, Isle of Skye, Scotland, around 1821...


Jean and Spec Maschio

I, Jean Purcell, came to Canmore in 1948 to answer an ad for a Home Ec. teacher. Prior to this I...


Sonha and Karl Kritsch

Sonja Faupel was born in 1927 in Ratibor, Germany, a few kilometres from the Polish border. When...


Krasnodemski Family

Father: Nicholas Krasnodemski b: December 19,1893, Zasceinocze, Trembola, Poland.  Mother: Joanna...


George Heath

George was born in the Meadowbrook District in 1910, moving to Canmore at the age of fifteen...


Arthur John (Jack) Jr.

Jack was born on the family farm in the Meadowbrook District of Central Alberta. We believe he came...


Frank Dyrgas

Born April 10, 1891. Died October 21, 1961.  Frank came to Canada from Poland in 1914. He worked at...


Canmore Golf Course

On June 1, 1926 the first organizational meeting of the Canmore Golf and Curling Club took place at...


Nina Borisenko

My husband Alexander and I left Belgium with our daughter and two sons and arrived in Canada in May...


Peter Balla

Peter Balla was born in Tavagnasco, Italy, in 1880. He pursued his love of music all his life...


Ashley Family

Frederick Galsworthy and Lilly Maude (nee Neville) Ashley came to Calgary and then Banff from...


Alexander Family

Bob and Joan Alexander and their two children, Lesley, aged four and a half, and Rob, aged one and...


Fitzgerald Family

Written by Lena Fitzgerald (nee Nikituk) Maurice was born and raised in Canmore. Growing up here...


Fowers Family

Charles and Catherine Fowers came to Canmore from Nottingham, England, in 1906, with two sons...