On April 26th, 1993, Pamela Grigg called a meeting of a group of her hiking friends and...
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Daniel McTaggart and Family
Dan McTaggart left Winter, Saskatchewan, in 1949 to work with his father in the Kananaskis Valley...
McLeod Family
The McLeod family relocated to Canada from the town of Kilmuir, Isle of Skye, Scotland, around 1821...
Patricia (Pat) McLaughlin
I was born in 1922 in Bournemouth, England, the middle of three daughters born to George and Ethel...
Phyllis (nee Scott) and Austin McGrath
At the urging of my mother, Emily, my grandmother Nellie Pearson left Leyburn, Yorkshire, England...
William (Bill) McCaffrey
I was born in Montreal, Quebec, on January 6, 1925. I had four sisters and four brothers. My mother...
McBride’s Riding Stables
We wanted to ride in the ole Wild West, To stay in our saddles we’d try our best, So...
Pearl McBride
I, Pearl Bernice Tingley, was born in Sackville, New Brunswick to Mable (nee Crossman) and Edmund...
William (Bill) and Beverly Maxwell
My wife, Beverly, and I moved to Spray from Seebe in 1952 when I joined Keith Cole’s crew on...