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Nina Borisenko

My husband Alexander and I left Belgium with our daughter and two sons and arrived in Canada in May...


Bohnsack Family

We arrived in Canmore on October 18, 1961, although my father had been in Canmore since early April...


Barbara Biri (Yetman)

I came to the valley in July of 1985 from Youngstown, Alberta. I followed my husband here who was...


Dorothy Biggy

I came to Alberta in 1949, at age eleven, with my family, Roy and Edith Ritchie, one sister Joyce...


Grace Bibby

Born in 1922, I was the fifth daughter in a family of nine children, born and raised in the Ramsay...


Bestwick Family

Joe Bestwick immigrated to Canmore in 1919. He obtained work at the Canmore Coal Company as a miner...


Kathleen Belenky

I was born in Canmore Hospital, the old hospital on the hospital/store hill. My parents were John...


Ruth Beaudreau

Ruth Beaudreau (nee Godley), of English and Irish descent, was born in Vancouver and grew up there...


Don Barry

Susan and I came to Canmore from Edmonton, first as visitors, and only secondly as prospective...