I, Mike, was born in Canmore in 1925. We lived in Prospect, the old name for Mineside. Prospect was...
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Frank Dyrgas
Born April 10, 1891. Died October 21, 1961. Frank came to Canada from Poland in 1914. He worked at...
Clarice Duncan
My life story began in Maryfield, Saskatchewan in 1917. I was one of five daughters and two younger...
Carl and Doreen Dick
Carl Dick was born in Didsbury, Alberta, in 1929. He grew up on a farm, attended elementary and...
George and Laura Dancer
A Dream Come True I awoke one morning from a dream. I dreamt that we had sold our house in Calgary...
Jack and Jean Clipperton
The Bow Valley first became home to the Clippertons on August 28, 1953, when they moved to Banff as...
Florence Clark
I arrived in Canmore, July 1, 1940, moving here from Wetaskiwin. I was born in Lethbridge but my...
Told by Marie (Mary) Rodda Antonio (Tony) Chiaverina came from the Italian principality of...
William (Bill) Cherak
My dad, Stephen, came to Canmore in 1902. He landed in Montreal from Poland and then went to...